Nish Tales Nish Tales Nish Tales
Nanabush Naajtoon Wiiyaas
Nanabush Loses the Meat

   Gii mni-gshki-wewzid Nanabush giiwsed, gchi nookiiwin dash maanda aawan, gage beshgendzig giiwsed.
Nanabush had a successful hunt and this meant much work, something he didn't like to do.

   Aapji gonaa ndamtaa bkonged, giishkojgeng, miinwaa zgagnang wiiyaas miinwaa wiinin, biboong wo aabdag.
Still, Nanabush was quite busy, skinning, cutting and storing meat and fat for the winter.

   Gesnaa bi pkade biijmaamaad caribou. E-piitnaandang gegoo gii mkwendaan.
But, the smell of the caribou made him hungry. So hungry, he had an idea.

   Aanish gonaa waanji zgagnamaa n'wiiyaasim? Kina gonaa n'daa miijin.
Why store my meat? Why not eat it all.

   Da waanjiinad, da mnwaabmi naagwad nchike wo wiisiniyaanh nongo go, kida Nanabush
Have a huge, wonderful feast for himself, right now, thought Nanabush.

   Mii gego gii bi bgamaanmag, mtigoog gii maaji bmadaashwag miinwaa gziibweweshkaawag.
Just then the wind picked up and the tree started to sway and creak.

   Bezhig maaba mtig nooj go ggetin gii gziibweweshkaa, dbishko go daa giigdo, dbishko Nanabushoon gi noonaad. Gaawii dash wiigo wenjiishing maaba mtig kidsii.
The tree creaked so loudly, it seemed to be talking - and it was talking, to Nanabush. But the tree was not saying nice things.

   Kiibaadzi Nanabush! Aanoodzi Nanabush! Kokoosh waadis Nanabush! Gaa na gizhgtoosiin wii zhaabwiitoowin k'wiiyaasim Nanabush, kida Noodin Miinwaa Mtig
Foolish Nanabush! Greedy Nanabush! You eat like a pig Nanabush! Can't you save your meat Nanabush, said the wind and tree

   Mtigosh! Wenesh giiyenh ge paamtaag ekdoyin, kida Nanabush. Nanabush nagdawendam, mii dash go gaa ni zhi gchi nshkaadendang.
Stupid tree. Who cares what you say, said Nanabush. But Nanabush cared and it made him very angry.

   Geyaabi go pogzitaagzi mtig. Mii dash gii nendang Nanabush ji ngaabdood maanda ezhi kiibaa-daangidoong maaba mtig.
Still, the wind blew and the tree continued to tease. Nanabush decided he would put a stop to this talking tree nonsense.

   Miisa gii kodaandwed mtigong.
So up the tree he went.

   Gaa ni dgoshing wodi shpiming, mii gii maamno-nendang noodin wi e'snigshkang dikwaanhsan, doodaadoom- gadoon dash, dbishko gonaa daa giigda mtig.
Once he got to the top he noticed the wind caused all the branches to be tangled and rub against each other, giving the tree its voice.

   Mbe. N'gi kendaan nongo maaba mtig gezhi bekaayaad, kida Nanabush.
Now I know how to make this tree shut up, said Nanabosh.

   Gii maajtaa Nanabush aabbidood tikonan, mii go wiiba bezhig gaa shkwaa aabbidood mii geyaabi aanind tikonan gii maaji tibaabiigseg.
Nanabush started to untangle the branches. But as soon as he got one loose other branches became tangled.

   Mii sa gii zhisdood w'kaadan miinwaa w'nikanan, mnig go eko debnang, ezhi gshkitood dash gaanjweb-shkaanan.
So he put his legs and arms on as many branches as he could reach and pushed mightily

   Mii dash miinwaa gii bi gchi bgamaanmag, Nanabush gii baataahaabkaazo, gii sagabbiigse dbishko go niwen tikonan gaa mi mshkowendang wii aabbidood.
But then a powerful gust of wind came and Nanabush became as knotted and twisted as the branches he was determined to untangle.

   Mii ge go naasaab wi pii, niish mahiinganag gii biij maandaanaawaa Nanabush da caribou wiiyaasim.
At that same time the smell of Nanabush's caribou meat attracted a couple of wolves.

   Shtaa taa haa. Enwek sanaa iidig Nanabush e zaaghigying. Gii ngadmaagnaa wo miijying. kida Mahiingan
Ahhhhh, Nanabush must love us, he left us a feast, said the wolves,

   Gii chi wiisiniwag mahiingnag biinish go geyaabi gegoo gii tesnog Nanabush wiiyaasim. Nanabush gchi naanoondaagzi baabiibaagmaad mahiinganan
The wolves feasted until there was nothing left of Nanabush's meat. Nanabush shouted and screamed at the wolves.

   Gaa dash noondziiwag mahiinganag. Endso mbiigzid Nanabush,washme gii bi gchi bgamaanmad miinwaa washme mtigoog gii mbiigwe weshkaawag.
But the wolves could not hear him, for every time he yelled, the wind blew harder and the trees creaked louder. The wolves walked away very satisfied.

   Hmmmm. Esnaa gii nishin. Gegoo na kii noondaan? Kaa gegoo aawzinoo, mdweyaashwag gonaa eta mtigoog , kida mahiingan.
Hmmm, that was great. Say did you hear something? Its nothing, just the wind in the trees , said the wolves.

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